Job Opening
By Pierre Cinar In Employment, Pick Up & Delivery, View Cleaners News and Events Posted November 2, 2022

Looking for energetic, non-smoking candidate for industry leading, family owned View Dry Cleaners in the fast growing Orange County Route areas!
Great Income Potential with ability to grow your pay!!
Starting pay structure provides base pay plus commission and bonus for new customers acquired.
Candidate must be Income and Career Motivated with a Strong Desire to Succeed.
This opportunity is perfect for career minded individual with strong communication skills and is task oriented.
Sales skills with face to face experience preferred, but will train the right person!!
Must have ability to work flexible hours and self motivated to grow. Saturdays required.
Customer service experience essential. Duties include retention calls by phone and in person.
Must have clean driving record and license. Because this position involves driving a company vehicle, please include a copy of current CA driver’s license along with resume to